Blue Viper Instruction Guide
5. START SPRAYING 3. … this is where the fun begins
Spray Hood
Couple of things you should know about your Blue Viper before starting to spray. It has been designed to deliver the optimum amount of weed killer using a fixed rate fine mist and a 2” wide swath. This saves you money by using less weed killer since over spraying or soaking weeds is eliminated. SPRAY PATTERNS The Blue Viper utilizes a self priming pump. The pump is activated by pressing and holding
the pressure switch located on the handle. Holding the nozzle near or on the ground will deliver a small precise shot of weed killer. Holding the nozzle 6” from the surface will deliver a larger round spray pattern appropriate for covering larger areas, such as broadcast spraying. HOW TO HOLD THE SPRAYER To begin, hold the pressure switch down for a continual flow. Walking at a normal pace, holding your arm and wrist in a comfortable manner to the side of your body, with the handle about 30” above the ground surface. Holding it higher will not allow the pump to pull the last few ounces out of the tank. For discussion on spray coverage, see “Coverage” in Tips & Warnings section.
CLEANING THE SPRAYER • Pour out any remaining liquid and drain the tank completely
• Add clean water to the tank and swish around for a few seconds, then pour out • Add a small amount of water to the tank and spray to remove residual materials from the pump and nozzle. Spray until all liquid is out of the tank • If necessary, repeat steps 2 and 3 to insure the sprayer is clean SHORT TERM STORAGE (to avoid leaks) • There is an air vent on the top rear of the tank to allow proper function of the pump. When taking a break, it is recommended to keep that vent facing up to avoid leakage over time. Do not lay on side. • OPTION 1: Set on ground with switch on top. OPTION 2: Hang on wall from handle. Both options will keep the vent up. • Longer term storage - we recommend emptying the tank WINTER STORAGE Follow cleaning instructions, then make sure to run the pump dry (until nothing comes out of the nozzle) prior to storing. Liquid left in the sprayer will freeze and damage the sprayer. Note: While batteries can remain in the unit normally, for long term storage (ex: winter months) remove the batteries to prevent any chance of corrosion.
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